Culture & Responsibility

Hippocratic Oath of “First Do No Harm”
We are not doctors but we take the same oath with our medical devices to assure no harm to human life!

Let us imagine a world where regular medical devices that are used every day, every hour and every minute and anywhere in the world and they possess no material that can harm the patient and perfect quality control that poses no threat when the device is used on a human body!

This is the life we have, this is the life we envision, this is the life where future generations, regardless of where they come from or where they live, have access to healthcare and the diseases are minimized.

No company can do it all…but we can all contribute to wherever we can based on our expertise and know-how.

Our commitment to UN mandates on sustainability forms the foundation of our corporate responsibility. As we continue increasing our global presence, we are also developing programs that will help achieve our goals globally.

Global Citizenship Program

We believe our success in globalization does not first rely on where and how much we sell to a country but how much we understand different cultures, their needs and their well-being. Therefore, we are continuing expanding our knowledge, the culture and the language to assure nobody in the world is left behind.

The world needs active global citizens who are engaged in the world. To learn more visit