In these very difficult times, Bicakcilar accomplished a wide variety of tasks completely in sync with its mission of “saving lives”. These actions contributed to our country’s need of disposables being met without having to increase imports as well as sustaining the impact for years to come.
We are proud to say that among our 900 employees, no one has been hurt by the pandemic. This was our main goal we wanted to accomplish. Furthermore, we continued our production with no interruption and with full capacity. Our mission of “saving lives” is our light as we continue further.
We did not have to do any downsizing and on the contrary, we added 11 new people, most of them within the production unit. We are very content with the fact that our employees did have to face any financial risks so they can continue supporting themselves and their families.
One of the most important steps we took is related to the future and the sustainability of our business. We have been adding more people to our R&D and have started very important projects as we focus not only growing globally with developing new solutions and also speedily become a strong player in localization of medical devices in Turkey.
We shared and updated prevention methods regularly every single day assuring the workplace has no risk. We regularly disinfected not only the office space but also all the company cars and we supplied the preventive disposables.
As a leader in our country, while fighting for prevention, we prepared our plans for the future. We increased productivity even more both at the factory and the offices where most employees continued to work from home. We quickly invested and adapted to the digital platform.
We are pleased to announce here that within two months, we will be moving our Head Office to a brand new building that is environmentally friendly and the social distancing can be applied easily.
Again our motto is “saving lives” and everything we do for our employees and our partners grow from that motto.